(MG-HSH theme plays)

Rich Jeffries:
It's time for the...

...with our guests...

..from Robert's House of Stuff...


...from Net Price is Right...


...from "John Is So Evil"...


...from Net Lingo...


...plus special guest star...


...and the stars of
the Net Match Game -
Hollywood Squares Hour...


(audience cheers)

Doug: Thank you, Rich Jeffries.  Helloooooooooo, everybody
and welcome back to the Net Match Game - Hollywood Squares Hour.

Ryan: Our current champion, Ethan Musulin, has CY$64,900 in his
possession.  He'll play for more later in Hollywood Squares as he
faces the winner of Match Game.

Doug: Of course, we can't have Match Game or Hollywood Squares without
stars.  Hello stars!





Panel: (in unison) Hello, Ryan and Doug.

Ryan: We have some new faces on the panel including Robert Searcy.
Welcome him to our panel. 

(audience applause)  (Doug walks over to Cindy's desk)

Doug: And -- normally I don't kiss the female newcomers to the 
panel.  But, in this case, I'll make an exception.

(Doug and Cindy kiss for about 15 seconds as the audience hoots
and hollers)

Doug: (walking back to center stage and tries to impersonate
Frank) DOUBLE WOW!  

(audience laughs)

Ryan: I bet you can't wait for Hollywood Squares when you sit
next to your bride.

Doug: You bet'cha.  So, let the games begin.

(audience cheers)  (Ryan and Doug shake hands)  (Ryan walks over
to "the Morris chair" among the panel)  (Doug walks over to the
Match Game players' desks)




(audience cheers) 

Doug: And keep clapping for our player Lori Burstein and Andy Geller.
(audience cheers)  Andy, of course, won our most recent champions'
special.  Otherwise, he waited out the mandatory period of time 
between episodes -- so we gladly welcome him back.  Lori's a newcomer
and we're equally happy to have her on board.

Players, for this Match Game, we have a series of fill in the blank
questions involving Disney characters.  We're doing this because 
Ryan and his family -- and later Cindy and me -- vacationed in
Walt Disney World.  With these questions, you're trying to match as 





Doug: ...of these pirates of the Caribbean as you possibly can.
(light laughter from the crowd)  Each time you match a star, you
win CY$100.  Match everyone and your total goes up to CY$1000.
The player who has matched more stars at the end of the third round
wins the game and plays against John Menjes in Hollywood Squares.