In 1986, George Wallace, then the governor of Alabama, proclaimed the
city of Huntsville as the "Hockey Capital of the South" because of the
efforts of the University of Alabama-Huntsville hockey team.  So, during
a recent trip to Huntsville, we asked 50 people in that fine city to name 
the NHL team that plays their home games in Columbus, Ohio.  How many 
out of the 50 people we surveyed correctly said the Blue Jackets?

(time passes)

Time's up.  Let's see how many Huntsville folks knew about dropping
the puck in C-bus...

(ding) ...15. And out of those 15, two said they liked reading my brother's online college hockey column (after I told them I was "Geof's brother" and "tune in to the game tonight on ESPN 1450"). I would give you the weblink -- but Geof's moving on to greener pastures. Anyhoo, enough nepotism. Let's see who's coming to join us for Match Game. Who's the closest to 15? John Menjes 16 Rick Morris 14 ("Greed" tie sfx) Ah, both of you. No one else came closer. But, as everyone else heads to the contestant pool, remember the CY$20,000 sweepstakes we'll play this Halloween. Now, back to you two. Who chimed in first? John Menjes 16 John. You might remember he was a champion in Games 3 and 4. And, he's honored our waiting period. So, it's John and Rick in MG next.

(cue MG-HSH theme)

The Ghost of Jay Stewart:
It's time for the...

...with our guests...

...from Top of the
Trivia Hill...



...from Net Price is Right...


...from Net Caesars



...from Net Lingo...


...from Dragon!:
The All New
Net Tic Tac Dough...



...and the stars of
the Net Match Game -
Hollywood Squares Hour...


(NMG-HSH sign rises; MG-esque doors open; Ryan and Doug are 
welcomed to an ecstatic crowd, walk down the stairs, shake hands)

Doug: Thank you, ghost of Jay Stewart.  Helloooooooooo, everybody 
and welcome to another fantastic episode of NMG-HSH.  Hello stars.





Panel: (more or less in unison) Hello, Ryan and Doug.

Ryan: We crowned a new champion on the last show.  Jay Cross
took us for CY$49,000 and is looking for more. 

Doug: If he wins CY$51,000 or reaches the super match twice
more, he's in our champions' special.  One of our Match Game
challengers will try to stop his winning ways.  Ryan, let's have
some fun.

(audience cheers)  (Ryan and Doug shake hands)  (Ryan walks over
to "the Morris chair" among the panel)  (Doug walks over to the
Match Game players' desks)

Doug: And let's keep the applause up for our challengers, John
Menjes and Rick Morris.




Doug: John's been with us before and even wore the champion's
crown for awhile -- winning more than CY$11,000 in the process.
For those who didn't get to see you before, tell us about yourself.

John: I'm John Menjes, from Hollywood, FL.  My current hobbies 
include puzzles, cycling, and Animal Crossing (subject to change, 
of course...)

Doug: I love that show.  Jill Hennessy's a babe.

Ryan: Uh, Doug, that's "Crossing Jordan".

(audience laughs)

Doug: Oops, sorry.  Well, anyway, John, welcome back and good
luck to you.  Rick Morris, first of all, I need you to raise your
right hand and repeat after me.

Rick: OK. (raises right hand)

Doug: I, Rick Morris.

Rick: I, Rick Morris.

Doug: Am not related.

Rick: Am not related.

Doug: To Ryan Morris, Doug Morris, our director Justin Morris or 
even Net Quiddler's Will Morris.

Rick: To Ryan Morris, Doug Morris, our director Justin Morris or 
even Net Quiddler's Will Morris.

Doug: OK, he can play.  (audience laughs and applauds)  Now, that
we *that* straight, tell us a little about yourself.

Rick: I'm from Spokane, WA, where I'm a school bus attendant for special 
needs kids.  In my spare time I'm into NASCAR racing and pro wrestling.

Doug: Ah, NASCAR.  You and I will have to chat with Ryan and Justin
after the show.  Anyhoo, it's time to play Match Game.  The idea here is
to match as many...





Doug: ...of these stars as you possibly can.  Each match pays CY$100;
but if you match all six stars, you'll collect a total of CY$1000.
After three rounds, if you've matched more stars than your opponent,
you'll rack up CY$500 more and then play Hollywood Squares against 
JX.  The winner there plays our CY$50,000 super match!