One of this episode's guest stars, George Davidson, was a contestant 
on the original Match Game - Hollywood Squares Hour series. 
How much money did he win on the game show? (Note: Any consolation prizes 
are not being factored into this total. Just the money won in competition.) 

Doug: Here's the right answer...

Doug: $12,550.  Who's the closest?

Robert McBride	$13,500

Doug: Not too bad, Robert, off by 950.  Who's the next closest?

Zack Casper	$11,500

Doug: Zack.  Off by 1050.  Two really good answers.  To everyone else
we thank you for playing.  Robert, since you were the closest out of
everyone in qualifying, you get to pick the first question in MG's
Round 1.   The fun starts next...


George Davidson: Net Yahtzee's only here on VBS.  Stay tuned as I
share my stories as a contestant on "The Match Game - Hollywood Squares
Hour" in 1984.  It's a VBS exclusive -- next!


(cue MG-HSH theme)

The Ghost of Jay Stewart:
It's time for the...

...with our guests...

...from Net Yahtzee...


...from Net Price is Right...


...from Net Percentages...


...from THE BIG RI$K...


...Net Trivia Trap


...and the stars of
the Net Match Game -
Hollywood Squares Hour...


(NMG-HSH sign rises; MG-esque doors open; Ryan and Doug are 
welcomed to an ecstatic crowd, walk down the stairs, shake hands)
Doug: Helloooooooooo, everybody and welcome to another go 'round
for NMG-HSH.

Ryan: On our last show, it was the last show for Andy Silikovitz.
He retired undefeated and won CY$101,600.  But, he'll be back in
our champions' special later this season.

Doug: During his last game of Hollywood Squares, there was a
technical difficulty with gameplay that could've had an outcome
on the game.  Since Andy retired undefeated, we'll let his challenger
Andy Geller occupy the champions' chair in HS *and* so he doesn't
feel cheated out of a chance to win 50-grand, we'll let him play
a super match before the squares.

Ryan: And later on, we'll get the story of George Davidson.  He was
a contestant on the original "Match Game - Hollywood Squares Hour"
series winning more than $12,000.  (audience cheers)

Doug: There's lot of fun in store.  We'll start it by saying hi
to George and the rest of the loonies.  Hello, stars.





Panel: (more or less in unison) Hello, Ryan and Doug.

Doug: Bud, another night, another show.  Let's roll!  (audience cheers)




Doug: Joining us for Match Game are Robert McBride and Zack Casper.
We'll chat later but let's go ahead and dive right into the game.
As you know, you're try to match as many of the stars as you can.
For each star you match, you score a triangle and CY$100.  But, if
you match all 6 stars over the course of the three rounds, we'll
up your cyber-cash total to CY$1000.  After the third round, if
you've matched more stars that the opposition, you win the game,
CY$500 more and advance to Hollywood Squares to play against Andy
Geller for tens of thousands more.   (audience cheers)

(Doug presses the button on the toast revealing the first round