(cue MG-HSH theme)

The Ghost of Jay Stewart:
It's time for the...

...with our guests..

...from Anime Match Game...


...from Net Price is Right...


...from Net Facts of Life...


...Net 10 to 1 ...


...from Rock & Roll
Net Bumper Stumpers...



...and the stars of
The Net Match Game -
Hollywood Squares Hour ...


(NMG-HSH sign rises; MG-esque doors open, Ryan and Doug are welcomed 
to an ecstatic crowd; walk down the stairs; shake hands)

Doug: Thank you, ghost of Jay Stewart.  Hellloooooo everybody, and
welcome to another happy sim-hour -- the Net Match Game - Hollywood
Squares Hour.

Ryan: A special hello to our stars joining us for the Match Game
portion of our show.  Hello, stars.

Panel: (in unison) Hello, Ryan and Doug.  

Doug: We're in for some treats today because we have Dean back, we
have John Fenner aboard from NBS' spinoff -- Rock & Roll Net Bumper

Ryan: We also have from "The Facts of Life" role-playing game, Seth

Doug: And a real treat for us.  From AnimeMatchGame.com, Greg Wicker.
(audience cheers)  And of course, our regular, from Net Price is Right, 
Jay Lewis.  (audience cheers)  Ryan, if you'll be seated with those 
nice folks... (Ryan and Doug shake hands, Ryan heads for "the Morris 
chair", Doug walks over to MG players' desks) ...and I'm gonna talk 
to our challengers, Dane Beninger and Damien Minor.  



(audience cheers)

Doug: We want to take a moment to get acquainted.  Dane, let's get your

Dane: I write in my spare time, I like Joker's Wild and Press Your luck 
- although both series were discontinued. I'm also a Star Trek fan and 
looking forward to seeing the new Star Trek series: Enterprise.

Doug: A new Star Trek series is coming up?

Dane: Yes.

Doug: Man alive, I'm still trying to get down Spock's "live long and
prosper" hand signal from the *original* Star Trek.  (audience laughs)
Oh, well.  Good luck, Dane.  We wish equal good luck to Damien.  Tell
us a little about yourself.

Damien: Hi, I'm Damien M. Minor. I write fanficton at www.fanfiction.net 
under the screenname tvteenwriter. 

Doug: Fan fiction.  Well, we got two fan fic writers on the panel.
Maybe you three can get together after the show.  Right now, we're about
to play Match Game.  As you know, you'll each have three chances to match
as many of our famous netizens...




Doug: ...each time you match a star, you collect CY$100.  If you match 
all six stars, we augment your score to CY$1000.  High score after three
rounds wins the game and the right to play our champ, Phil Levine, in 
Hollywood Squares.  The winner there plays our Super Match for up to
CY$30,000!  (audience cheers)

(Doug pushes the button revealing the first round questions)