(cue MG-HSH theme)

The Ghost of Jay Stewart:
It's time for the...


...the original
Net Match Game's coordinator...



...from Net Price is Right...


...New York Life
Executive council agent...



...from Net Top Card...


...from Net Tribond ...


...and the stars of
The Net Match Game -
Hollywood Squares Hour ...


(NMG-HSH sign rises; MG-esque doors open, Ryan and Doug are welcomed to 
thunderous applause; walk down the stairs)

Doug: Well, hello everybody and welcome to the Net Match Game - Hollywood 
Squares Hour.

Ryan: Bless you for not confusing this with the bumper stumpers.  
(audience laughs)

Doug: LOL!  Thanks, man.  We have another great sim-hour o' fun with Ryan 
and these five panelists.  Hello stars!

Celebs: Hello, Doug and Ryan!

Doug: We wanna extend a special hello to NMG's own Randy Amasia.  

(audience cheers)

Randy: Hi, good to be with you.

Doug: Glad that you're with us.  And I say this in all due and respect.  NMG was 
the first net game and 30 rounds later it's still going strong. 

(audience cheers)

Randy: Thanks to everyone for making it such a popular game!

Doug: Indeed it is and hope we'll have at least 30 more rounds.
And hello to a good friend from broadcasting -- even though he's moved on 
to bigger and better things, Kelly Sanner.  (audience goes silent)

Kelly: See, Rock, told you no one would know me.  (audience laughs)

Doug: Oh, c'mon folks, give it up for the man.  It's all around nice guy Kelly 
Sanner. (audience cheers)  Randy, I think they need more Krispy Kremes.  
(audience laughs)  BTW, Kel calls me Rock because of the fact I host RockTrax 
on Rock 104 in Hattiesburg/Laurel, MS.

Ryan: Say, if you folks weren't with us last time, we had lots of laughs and 
paid out more than CY$8000.  And we wanna give away more.  In fact, we wanna 
give away CY$30,000 in the Super Match.

(audience cheers)

Doug: But, first things first, Ryan.  It's Match Game.  Please join our creatures 
from the dark lagoon (Ryan heads for "the Morris chair" on the bottom row; 
Doug walks over to the players' desks) while I say hello to our two challengers, 
Kyle Hanna and Barry Brooks.  

(audience cheers)

Doug: Let's take a moment to find out about you two.  First, let's get the Kyle 
Hanna autobiography.

Kyle: I'm currently a student at a junior high school in Easton, Pa. I like 
watching and playing sports, playing video, and try to get on net games.

Doug: Well, you succeeded in getting on this net game.  Hope you make the most 
of it and have a great time nonetheless.  Barry, let's hear about you.

Barry: Hi! I'm Barry Brooks, I enjoy bowling, going to the movies, 
and I am the current host of NetDebt.

Kelly: Oh, is your game based on the show with Wink Martindale?

Barry: Yeah.

Jay: On top of that, it's the only net game where you can go home with...

Everyone on stage in unison: NOTHING!

(audience laughs and applauds)

Doug: LOL!  All right, gang.  We're going to play Match Game PM style.  Meaning 
our players will have up to three chances in matching our stars.  Make more 
matches than your opponent and you'll play against Eddie Timanus in HS.  The
winner there goes on the Super Match featuring a potential CY$30,000 payoff. 
(audience cheers)