Are You Two Related? NO!!!!!!

"And, we might as well set the record straight,
Ryan and I aren't brothers."
-Doug Morris, from his first episode as
co-host of NMG-HSH with Ryan Morris

If this is your first time visiting the Net Match Game - Hollywood Squares Hour website and have arrived at the assumption the co-hosts are brothers or cousins, please consider yourself forgiven. Also, we aren't related to these other folks named "Morris"...


Gary Morris, country singer


Julianne Morris, actress


Hal Morris*, baseball player

spokescat for 9 Lives catfood

*When Doug's family lived in Ohio, they claimed Hal as a cousin. At the time of this picture, Hal was a first baseman for the Cincinnati Reds. Ryan, a Michigander, can tell you Hal played college baseball for Michigan.

BTW, Justin Morris, NMG-HSH's director, is Ryan's brother.

"And now you know...the rest of the story." 
-Paul Harvey