Happy New Year.  It's almost time to start another Net Match Game - 
Hollywood Squares Hour.  Before we start, some notes...

\ Rick Morris (no relation to either co-host) returns with one win
and CY$16,750.  He'll play against the winner of the forthcoming
Match Game.

\ This is Game 45.  So if you played as a civilian in Game 42, 43
or 44, please sit on your hands and let someone else play.  Can't 
remember when you played?  Just go to www.nmghsh.cjb.net or 
www.dougmorris.net/nmghsh and click on "Archives".   

\ Joining our usual suspects are a couple of old friends: Troy Diggs
(who is now a co-host of PriceCast) and Will Schmarder (host of
the mathematical net game What's My Number?).  We also have two
newcomers: Matt Welshans (who also co-hosts PriceCast) and Kevin
Kolsen (host of Net Debt)

...now it's qualifying time.  The two players closest to the 
right answer, high or low, compete in Match Game with the winner
advancing to Hollywood Squares.  The question...

On July 30th, 2011, at 7:30am Central, we watched a rerun of 
"Silent Library" on MTV2.  How much money did the team of six 
players win in this episode?  Please respond in hundreds of

(To clarify, there was an end-of-show disclaimer noting that 
footage from some challenges did not air due to time constraints.  
Unaired challenges that resulted in payoffs are, obviously, 
not calculated in the right answer to this qualifying question.)

(time passes)

And that's time.  Apparently a lot of you *were* factoring in the
unaired challenges in your bids.  Actual retail right answer is...


 ...23 bills.  Who's the closest?

Erik "Taz" Mokracek	 $700

OK, it's Erik -- with the lowest bid.  Next closest?

Jamey Greek		$4500

Jamey with 4500.  NMG-HSH up next.


Glenn Bowman: "The Talk Chews Out The View Today" (audience laughs) 
will not be seen at this time -- so that we may bring you this 


(MG-HSH theme plays)

Glenn Bowman:
It's time for the...

(audience cheers)

...with our guests...


...from PriceCast...
Troy Diggs


...also from PriceCast...
Matt Welshans


...from Net Debt...
Kevin Kolsen


...from What's My Number?...
Will Schmarder


...plus our center square...
Chad Mosher


...and the stars of
the Net Match Game -
Hollywood Squares Hour...

Ryan Morris
Doug Morris

Doug: Thanks, Glenn Bowman.  Helloooooooo, everybody and welcome
back to the Net Match Game - Hollywood Squares Hour.  Hello, stars.


Ryan: And hello to you at home.  Rick Morris -- no relation to any
of us -- won the championship the last time out and picked up
CY$16,750.  He awaits the winner of tonight's Match Game.

Doug: Joining us on the panel are Troy Diggs and What's My Number? host 
Will Schmarder.  Nice to see them again.  

Also, Troy is part of a new podcast recapping a week's worth of episodes 
of "The Price is Right".  Joining him on PriceCast -- and joining us 
on the panel for the first time -- is Matt Welshans.  (audience applause)
And also on the panel for the first time is Net Debt host Kevin Kolsen.

(audience applause)

Doug: Let the games begin!

(audience cheers)   (Ryan and Doug shake hands)  (Ryan sits in the Morris
chair on the panel)  (Doug walks over to the Match Game desks)



Doug: Keep that applause going for our challengers, Erik Mokracek
and Jamey Greek.

(more cheers)  

Doug: We'll chat later.  But let's start the fun.  As you know, 
the objective here to match as many...


Doug: ...of these fans of the yodely guy as you possibly can.

(audience laughs)

Doug:  Each time you match a star, you earn CY$100.  If you max 
out and match everyone, we'll elevate your score to CY$1000.  
High scorer after three rounds advances to Hollywood Squares to 
face Rick.  The high scorer there plays the Super Match -- which 
could lead to a payoff of CY$100,000.