New computer? Check.

Internet connection?  Check.

Questions?  Check.

Ivan Lendl?  Czech.

Welcome to the restart of Game 35 of the Net Match Game - Hollywood
Squares Hour.  Thanks to *EVERYONE* for your patience.  I still have
a few details to take care of with other net games -- but we can
at least get NMG-HSH back up and running.

As I noted earlier, due to the hard drive crash on the old machine,
everyone's responses to the earlier qualifying question, as well as
its answer, were lost.  So, regretably, we must start anew.  

Some notes before we start...

\ Matt Tanga returns as our champion with one win and CY$13,500.
You'll be trying to get into the Match Game part of our show with
the winner advancing to Hollywoood Squares.

\ This is Game 35.  So if you played as a "civilian" in Game 32, 33
or 4, please sit on your hands and let someone else play.  Can't
remember when you played?  Just go to or and click on "Archives" and "Who 
Played When?"

\ Joining our usual suspects are Troy Diggs, Nolan Slover, Chris
Wolvie and Joe Van Ginkel.  *And* we *still* have a special announcement.
Hey, I made ya'll wait this long.  What's a little longer?
...and on to qualifying.  The two players closest to the right answer
to this question, high or low, play Match Game.   

On April 18, 2009, at 11:00am Central, we watched a GSN rerun of 
"Let's Make A Deal".  The big deal of this episode included how much 


Brian Moore	$7654

Ah, Brian was trying to use a little strategy.  I do remember the
$7654 claim check.  But that wasn't part of this deal.  Still good
enough to get you in the first podium.  Second podium of Match Game
will be occupied by...

Chad Flake	$5555

...Chad Flake, who believes fifty-five-fifty-five -- and you stay
alive.  NMG-HSH rides again -- shortly.


Rich Jeffries: "Celebrity Ping Pong" (light laughter from the crowd)
will not be seen tonight -- so that we may follow this bouncing ball.


(MG-HSH theme plays)

Rich Jeffries:
It's time for the...

(audience cheers)

...with our guests...

...from LiveJournal
Face the Music...

Troy Diggs


...from Nolan Slover's
Luck of the Draw...

Nolan Slover


Chris Wolvie


...the game show man himself...
Joe Van Ginkel


...and the stars of
the Net Match Game -
Hollywood Squares Hour...

Ryan Morris
Doug Morris


Doug: Thanks, Rich. Helloooooooo, everybody and welcome to
another Net Match Game - Hollywood Squares Hour.  Hello, stars.

Panel: (basically in unison) Hello, Ryan and Doug.

Ryan: On the last show, we crowned a new champion.  Matt Tanga is awaiting
the winner of tonight's Match Game -- and we have an important announcement
to get to before we start.

Doug: That's right.  You've probably noticed Jay Lewis is missing from this
picture.  Jay has decided to leave us to concentrate on other interests... 
(audience groans)  ...many of which you can follow on  Jay, thank 
you for not only your contributions to this net game -- but to net games in 
general.  We hope you'll stay in touch -- and not be a stranger.

(audience cheers)

Ryan: As one era ends, a new one begins.  A new center square is joining us
tonight.  He's been with us a couple of times before.  You've seen him as
a contestant on "Jeopardy!" and "Million Dollar Password".  Please welcome
Chad Mosher!

(audience cheers) (Chad enters from stage left)

Doug: Speech!  Speech!

Chad: Let me first give a thanks to the man himself, Jay Lewis, for 
recommending me for this spot. I almost feel like Drew Carey in a way, 
except thankfully it's only 35 episodes and not seasons, although he has
definitely been in the spot for a good number of years. Thanks also 
certainly go to Doug and Ryan for allowing me to follow in the footsteps 
of Jay. I hope to make him proud and I hope to entertain all of you as 
the new center square on the longest running and best 'net game, the 
Net Match Game-Hollywood Squares Hour. Yeah!

(more cheers)

Doug: Chad, Ryan and I are delighted to have you aboard.  Gents, take
your seats -- 'cause the games are about to start.

(more cheers)  (rounds of handshakes all around)  (Chad and Ryan take
their seats on the panel)








Doug: And keep the applause going for our two challengers, Brian Moore
and Chad Flake.  (more cheers)  We'll chat later -- but let's dive right
into the game.  As you know, the object of this part of our show is to
match as many of these members of the Toledo Mudhens pitching staff as
you possibly can.  

(light laughter from the crowd) 

Doug: Every time you match a panelist, you win CY$100 -- but if you 
match everyone, we'll elevate your score to CY$1000.  High scorer after 
three rounds advances to Hollywood Squares to face our returning
champ.  Winner there plays the Super Match which can pay out CY$50,000.

(audience cheers) (Doug presses button revealing Round 1 questions
on the toaster)