OK, while I was away mourning the passing of my wife, Cindy, on what
would've been our second wedding anniversary, word did get to my 
brother and me that Charles Nelson Reilly died.  Charles, of course, is
most closely associated with "Match Game".  But ClassicSquares.com
points out Charles appeared at least once in every televised version
of "Hollywood Squares" -- including the original "Match Game - 
Hollywood Squares Hour" series.

Of course, this episode of NMG-HSH will be dedicated to his memory.

With that said, time has now been called in our qualifying round.
Repeating the question...

On March 3, 2007, at 11:00am Central, we watched "Whammy!: The All 
New Press Your Luck".  This GSN rerun from the first season did not 
have a big bank.  But still, how much in cash in prizes did those 
whammies take away from the players?

...and let's see how much was added to that big bank that never


...they walked away with $9214.  Now, the player closest in qualifying
is our designated champion -- who will play the X's in our Squares
game.  And...

Matthias Lamers $10,000     

...it's Matthias Lamers.  Great guess -- only missing by $786.  Next
closest is...

Chris Schumaker $ 8,000

...Chris Schumaker.  He's playing Match Game against...

Matt Tanga      $ 7,798 

...oh... Matt, bad news.  You were part of the last "regular" NMG-HSH.
So 'fraid you'll have to wait.  Next closest...

David Barkow    $12,000
...is David Barkow.  All three civilians have never played NMG-HSH
before.  We like that -- and that's why we have that "spread the wealth"
rule.  Thanks to all for playing.  Chris did make a selection and that
question will be coming shortly.


(piano music plays)


(MG-HSH theme plays)

It's time for the...

...with our guests...

...from Net Auction...


...from the Ghetto
Bus Fan Club...



...from Net Hollywood Squares...


...from Net Trivia on Tap...


...plus our center square...


...and the stars of
the Net Match Game -
Hollywood Squares Hour...



(NMG-HSH sign rises; MG-esque doors open; Ryan and Doug are 
welcomed to an ecstatic crowd, walk down the stairs, shake hands)

Doug: I thank you, Rich.  Helloooooooo, everybody and welcome to
the Net Match Game - Hollywood Squares Hour.   Hello, stars.





Panel: (basically in unison) Hello, Ryan and Doug.

Ryan: We're coming off a champions' special -- so we're starting
with a clean slate and a designated champion.  We'll meet that
player later in Hollywood Squares.

Doug: But first, we have to say hello to two other players and
get Match Game underway. 
(audience cheers) (Ryan and Doug shake hands)  (Ryan walks over
to "the Morris chair" among the panel)  (Doug walks over to the
Match Game players' desks)
Doug: And we're pleased to welcome two players who've never
played NMG-HSH -- Chris Schumaker and David Barkow.




Doug: Since you're both newcomers to the big show, let's get
acquainted -- starting with Chris.

Chris S.:  

Doug: Welcome aboard and we hope you have fun tonight.  David,
a word or two about you, please.

David: I am a college student from Chesapeake Virginia.

Doug: Good to have you from Virginia.  Since you're both new
to our game, let me explain that the object of this game is to
match as many...





Doug: ...of these members of the "Tattletales" banana section
as you possibly can.  (light laughter from the crowd)

Each time you match a panelist, you win CY$100.  Match everyone and 
your total goes up to CY$1000.  

The player who scores more matches after Round 3 wins the game, 
another CY$500, and plays against our designated champ in 
Hollywood Squares for tens of thousands more.