NMG-HSH is about to ride again.  Some notes before we commence...

\ Joining our usual suspects on the celebrity panel are a few old 
friends -- Will Morris (no relation to Ryan or me), Chris Wolvie
and the dean of dealing, Dean Scungio.  Also with us is Adam Nedeff,
webmaster of GameShowUtopia.net -- home to salutes to four of the
best emcees in the game show genre -- Bill Cullen, Geoff Edwards,
Tom Kennedy and Gene Rayburn. 

\ Our previous champ retired undefeated.  So, we're looking for
three civilian players.  The closest to the qualifying question
becomes our designated champion in Hollywood Squares; the next
two closest play against each other in Match Game for the right
to advance to HS and play against our designated champ.

\ As usual, if you were a civilian player in Match Game and/or
Hollywood Squares over the last three episodes (to wit, Game 21,
22 and 23), please sit on your hands and let someone else in on
the fun.  Not sure when you played?  Go to www.nmghsh.cjb.net and
click on "archives".

Time to look for contestants.  To get in the game, please respond 
to this with the following...

\ Your name

\ Your e-mail address that you wish for the hosts to send you 
NMG-HSH-related e-mail

\ A sentence or two about yourself (like real game shows)

\ Your answer to this qualifying question...

On July 12, 2005 at 5:30pm CDT, we watched an i (formerly PAX TV) rerun
of "On The Cover".  How many total covers were correctly identified in
the first round?
(time passes)

OK, how many covers were ID'd correctly.


I don't have the names -- but the first and last contestants each
gave three correct answers and the middle player five.  So, total of
11.  Who's the closest?

Robert McBride   12
Steve Michaels   12
("Greed" tie sfx)

Tie between Robert and Steve.  Now, the player who locked in 12 first
becomes our designated champion.  And he is...

Robert McBride   12

...Robert.  So, we'll see you later when you play the X's in Hollywood
Squares.  Steve, you'll get to pick first in Match Game.  Next closest 

Michael Clifford 13

...Michael Clifford.  To everyone else, thanks for playing.  
NMG-HSH -- next.


Rich Jeffries: "So, You Think You Can Dance With The Stars On Ice?"
(audience laughs) will not be seen tonight.  In its place, we bring 
you a much better combination of competition.


(MG-HSH theme plays)

It's time for the...

...with our guests...

...from WillMorris.org...


...from Net Trivia on Tap...


...from Net Deal or No Deal...


...from Game Show Utopia...


...plus our center square...


...and the stars of
the Net Match Game -
Hollywood Squares Hour...



(NMG-HSH sign rises; MG-esque doors open; Ryan and Doug are 
welcomed to an ecstatic crowd, walk down the stairs, shake hands)

Doug: Thank you, Rich Jeffries.  Helloooooooooo, everybody
and welcome back to the Net Match Game - Hollywood Squares Hour.

Ryan: We're working with a clean slate since our previous
champion, Andy Geller, retired undefeated winning almost 

Doug: So we have a designated champion and two other players
ready to play Match Game.  And of course, we have stars.
Hello stars.





Panel: (in unison) Hello, Ryan and Doug.

Ryan: We have a new face on the panel.  He's the author of
GameShowUtopia.net, Adam Nedeff.

(audience applause)

Doug: Adam does a wonderful job and he has salutes to four
great hosts -- including Gene Rayburn.   Glad to see Will,
Chris, Dean and, of course, Jay, back.  So, let the games begin.

(audience cheers) (Ryan and Doug shake hands)  (Ryan walks over
to "the Morris chair" among the panel)  (Doug walks over to the
Match Game players' desks)




Doug: And keep on keeping on for Steve Michaels and Michael
Clifford.  (audience cheers)   We want to take a moment and get
acquainted -- starting with Steve.

Steve: I'm Steve Michaels, I'm from New Hampshire, and I enjoy  
professional wrestling, watching baseball, go red sox, and playing 
games on XBox Live.

Doug: And of course Steve hosts the fine game Net Percentages on
VBS.  Michael, a word or two about you.

Michael: My name is Michael Clifford.  I am from Marlton, New 
Jersey.  I am currently unemployed.  I like watching game shows 
& playing netgames.

Doug: We'll you're about to play our net game.  As you know, 
players, the idea is to match as many...





Doug: ...of these recent "Ca$h Cab" passengers as you possibly
can. (light laughter from the crowd)  Each time you match a star, 
you win CY$100.  Match everyone and your total goes up to CY$1000.
The player who has matched more stars at the end of the third round
wins the game, another CY$500, and plays against our designated
champion Robert McBride in Hollywood Squares.