Game 2 Round 2

Doug: We're back for more of Net Poker. Troy won the first round, Mark, you need to win this round to stay in the game. We reset the point totals to 0 and we're using a new deck of cards for this round. Troy's already cut those cards -- and let's see the first two cards from the top of that deck now...

Doug: The King of Hearts and Ace of Diamonds. First question of the second round coming...

Brooke Burns once served as host of...
\ NBC's Dog Eat Dog
\ E!'s Wild On...
\ all of the above
\ none of the above

(Mark buzzes in)

Doug: Mark.

Mark: All

Doug: Oh no. Not right. Troy?

Troy: Oooooooohhhhhhhhhh. I'll say Dog Eat Dog. This is a reality show nightmare.

Doug: (laughing) That's right. (audience applause) Brooke Burke hosted Wild On...

Mark: I hate it when I confuse the two

Doug: Hey, it could be worse. We had an intern who thought Steely Dan played in the NFL. (audience laughs and applauds) Which card Troy?

Troy: The Ace.




Doug: And that means Mark gets the King. Two more cards comin' down that chute...

Doug:...the Jack of Spades and the 9 of Diamonds. On to the next question for 10 more points

On The Price is Right, if you overbid on an item in...
\ "Cliff Hangers", it's still possible you can win that game
\ "Spelling Bee", it's still possible you can win that game
\ all of the above
\ none of the above

(Mark buzzes in)

Doug: Mark.

Mark: All of the above

Doug: Yes, indeed. (audience applause) Just don't go over too much in "Cliff Hangers" -- or else you'll have to transport some mechanical mountain climber to the hospital. (light laughter from the crowd) Mark, you tied the score at 10. Which card?

Mark: Hmmm, a tough choice. Well, I'll have to take the Jack.

Doug: The knave's yours...




Doug: ...and Troy gets a 9 by default. We get two more cards...

Doug: ...interesting. Ace of Clubs and the 9 of Spades. Troy's getting a pair of something after this next question...

The charter of the United Nations was signed by 50 countries in...
\ the year 1947
\ New York City
\ all of the above
\ none of the above

(Troy buzzes in)

Doug: Troy.

Troy: All of the above

Doug: Sorry, not right. Mark, chance to steal.

Mark: None of the Above

Doug: That's the right choice.





(audience applause)

Doug: The charter of the United Nations was signed by 50 countries in 1945 in San Francisco. OK, Mark, you're leading 20-to-10. Pick a card.

Mark: I'd better go with the lesser of the two evils...the ace

Doug: Understand that move totally. This means...




Doug: ...Troy gets a pair of 9s. Mark's 3/5 of the way toward a straight. And we get two more cards from Dirty Harry. Good game, so far, don't you think.

(DH just rolls his eyes) (audience laughs)

Doug: Such a caring soul, he is. Anyway, King of Clubs and King of Diamonds now up for grabs. Mark's going to end up with a pair of Kings regardless. Next 10-pointer...

Abbott and Costello's classic "Who's On First?" routine...
\ noted a player named What was the pitcher
\ was first seen in the film Naughty 90's
\ all of the above
\ none of the above

(Troy buzzes in)

Doug: Troy.

Troy: I'm guessing it's "Naughty 90s"

Doug: Good guess -- it's right. (audience applause) What played second. And at third was... um... well... I don't know. (audience laughs) Tie score at 20, Troy. Which King?

Troy: Diamonds




Doug: OK, as Dirty Harry puts those cards in place, Troy's working on a pair of 9s. Mark's got a pair of Kings and now...

Doug:'s blind card question time. It's worth 15 points. But more importantly, it's worth control of the cards. High hand's worth 25. So, good luck and play carefully...

Leslie Nielsen played police detective Frank Drebin in...
\ the TV series Police Man!
\ the movie Naked Gun 33 1/3: Make A Record Of It
\ all of the above
\ none of the above

(Troy buzzes in)

Doug: Troy.

Troy: I know this one -- NONE of the above!

Doug: That's it.





(audience applause)

Doug: The series was Police Squad!; movie was Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Smell Of Fear. OK, Troy, you're in the lead right now . The key is to hang on to that lead. Pick the card that you think will give you the game.

Troy: I'll take the left.

Doug: Left's yours...




Doug: ...and Mark gets the [Frank] RIGHT! [/Frank] card. (light laughter from the crowd; DH just rolls his eyes) Dirty Harry, tell ya what, let's check out what card Troy drew to add to his 9s.




Doug: Woah boy, another 9. Mark, the only way you're going to stay in the game is if Troy left you the King of Spades. Dirty Harry, let's see if Troy wins or we go to the tie-breaker.




Doug: Oh, right suit but wrong rank. Troy, you've won the game.





(winning bells; audience applause)

Doug: Troy, we'll spin the roulette wheel in a bit -- and then you'll play Dirty Harry's Video Challenge for CY$100,000. Mark, you'll receive CY$250 as well as tickets to a headliner show here at the Bonus Island Resort and Casino. Big hand for Mark Sinsabaugh, everybody. (audience cheers)Now, Dirty Harry, let's see if you can spin a bigger number than 7, eh?

(DH gives Doug a dirty look...then spins)


Doug: Oh, goodness, another 7? Well, Troy, CY$700 more. (smooth jazz theme plays) And when we come back, we'll see if he can take Dirty Harry for 100-grand after this.

(audience cheers)