Episode 2 Game 1

Spanish, French or British. What was Joan of Arc's nationality?

(Eddie buzzes in)

Doug: Eddie.

Eddie: French.

Doug: Oui. (audience applause) Eddie, you've got a lot of catching up to do. A few lucky rolls could even out the game. Roll 'em.

(Eddie rolls)


(audience groans)

Doug: You've got a 2 and a 1 for a CY$300 seeding of the pot. I hate to ask a question I know the answer to. But I have to ask -- roll again or bank the three bills?

(audience shouts suggestions; every say something to the effect of "roll")

Eddie: Like you said -- you know the answer. Let's roll'em.

(Eddie rolls)


Doug: And a bigger roll -- 4 and a 5 for CY$900 more. CY$1200 in the pot. Shawn had banked CY$5300 in this game. After this round, we have two more rounds and a catch-up round.

Bank the 1200 or roll 'em again?

(audience shouts suggestions)

Eddie: I think I'd better try and build up a little more. Come on, dice...

(Eddie rolls)


Doug: Woah boy! Double 5. You *could* build up the pot a *lot* more.

Eddie, it's double decision time. And here's the decision. Either we could add CY$100 per point to the pot -- which would bring it up to CY$2200 -- or you may go to the double 5 space on the board.


Doug: If we find cyber-money in the double 5 screen, we add that much to the pot instead of CY$1000. If there's a surprise, we follow the directions. If there's a bust, you end this round exactly the way you started the round -- with bupkis.

What's your double decision?

Eddie: Wow -- tough call with that one. A grand is nice -- but the board was good to me last game. Let's see what's there.

Doug: Going for the double 5 on the board. What's there?


(ding) (audience cheers)

Doug: Lose loss. Well, there's good news and bad news.



Doug: The loss that was against you is gone. The bad part is the pot's still at 1200. Lot of ground to make up if you want to keep on rolling. While you give it some thought, I need to shuffle the board.

(amounts are shuffled on the double decision board; after shuffling stops, the amounts are covered immediately with the doubles)


Doug: All right, I should note that because Shawn has a loss against him and there's no mark against Eddie, the "lose loss" has been replaced with something else.

With that said, Eddie, are you banking the 1200 or rolling again?

Eddie: Man -- it's been a while since we've seen Big Red -- but I think I'd still like to toss'em again.

(audience cheers)

(Eddie rolls)


Doug: Lucky for you no 7 -- but close. A 5 and a 1 bring the pot up to CY$1800. Still another CY$3500 to go if you want to at least tie Shawn.

(audience shouts suggestions)

Eddie: Famous last words -- I know -- but ONE MORE TIME!

(audience cheers)

(Eddie rolls)


Doug: Rolled a 3 for another 300. Pot's up to 2100. Was that really one more time?

(audience shouts suggestions)

Eddie: Yes, I think it was. Let's bank.

Doug: You're on the board with CY$2100.



Doug: You gain 2100 and you lost the loss. Shawn still with 5300 and a loss against him. Round 5 starts. Let's see who has a chance to add to his bank -- after we play this question.

In 2011, readers of Parade magazine were asked to name the most annoying celebrity. Was the readers' #1 answer Charlie Sheen, Snooki or Kim Kardashian?

(Shawn buzzes in)

Doug: Shawn.

Shawn: Snooki?

Doug: That would've been my answer, too. But the #1 answer in this survey is Kim Kardashian. So that means Eddie gets another free roll of the dice.

(Eddie rolls)


Doug: And he gets a 2 and a 6. Eddie, we seed the pot with 800. You've banked 2100. Shawn's banked 5300. We're in Round 5. Bank the eight bills -- or try for some thrills?

(audience shouts suggestions)

Eddie: I'd better try for some more. Come on, dice -- stay warm.

(Eddie rolls)


Doug: Hey now! Another double decision. This time -- you rolled box cars.

Eddie, I think you've realized you're in a tough double decision situation. We could add CY$1200 to the pot -- making it worth CY$2000. Or, we could go to the double 6 screen on the board and see what's there. Could be a lot better or a lot worse than a CY$1200 addition.

What do you do?


(audience shouts suggestions)

Eddie: Tough call indeed. Let's try the board.

Doug: He wants to go to the double 6 screen. Double 5 was good to him last round. Will double 6 be good here?


(ding) (audience cheers)

Doug: Three thousand! WOW!

Doug: That takes the pot up to CY$3800. Bank now -- and you'll lead by CY$600. If you roll again, you could win more or lose it all.

(audience shouts suggestions)

Doug: Give it some thought as we shuffle the board.

(amounts are shuffled on the double decision board; after shuffling stops, the amounts are covered immediately with the doubles)


Eddie: Time to bank!

Doug: Sounds like you had your mind made up after finding the three large. Banking the 3800.


(ding) (audience cheers)

Doug: And just like that, Eddie enjoys the lead for the first time in this game. Still anything can happen. We have Round 6 and a catch-up round to go.

Here's the question for Round 6.

Fred Grandy, Ted Lange or Gavin MacLeod. Which cast member of "The Love Boat" went on to become a U.S. Congressman representing parts of Iowa?

(Shawn buzzes in)

Doug: Shawn.

Shawn: Fred Grandy.

Doug: That's right. (audience applause) Shawn, conceivably, you could regain the lead with one roll of the dice. But remember, after this round comes the catch-up round. Give the cubes a toss, please.

(Shawn rolls)


Doug: And that's the only 7 you can roll in this round. From now until the end of the game, a 7 will result in a bust.

Bank now -- and you'll lead by CY$100 with Eddie going first in the catch-up round.

What say ye?

(audience shouts suggestions)

Shawn: Roll 'em one more time.

(Shawn rolls)


Doug: And a 5 and a 1 means the pot goes up to CY$1300. Bank the lucky 13 -- or roll for more green?

(audience shouts suggestions)

Shawn: I said one more time. I wouldn't want to be a liar, so I will stop right there.

Doug: Being a man of his word -- by banking CY$1300.